Eucharistic Adoration is a practice where the Blessed Sacrament is exposed and adored by the faithful.
Jesus, we adore You hidden so humbly in the fragile little host, not merely a holy thing, but the same Christ who died for us, who loved us so much that He wanted to remain with us forever. To adore Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament is to put all our hope in Him alone. United wholly to Him gives Him the freedom to act within us and upon us.
St. Joseph: To sign up for a holy hour or to be on the sub list for Friday Adoration, please contact Marlene Hazdra at 269-962-8641 and leave your name and phone number.
Perpetual Adoration in St. Joseph Parish Center - St. Cyril of Jerusalem Chapel. Adoration Hours from 2:00 pm Sundays to 7:45 am Wednesday mornings. If you would like to sign up, contact Teresa Bello at (269)-274-7409 or Janice Klein at (269)-274-0140.
St. Philip: Seton Center Chapel from Wednesday at 9 am to Saturday after the 8 am morning Mass. Please call Betty Dillard at 269-962-8255 to sign up.