Music is an essential part of Catholic worship services and sacramental events. A number of opportunities are provided for our members to add their voices and musical abilities to praise God and to honor the Sacraments.
The cantor acts as an animator for the assembly, helping them focus on their prayer and bringing life to their music.
The cantor is the psalmist of the Mass, proclaiming the word of God by leading the assembly in a dialogue with the psalm.
Cantors must have a pleasant voice.
Cantors may come to choir rehearsals or set up a special time to practice with the accompanist or music director.
Sunday Choir Rehearsals take place in the Church on Thursdays at 7 pm from September through May.
Music sung is of a more traditional style.
This choir is open to parishioners of high school age and older.
Men's Choir
The Men's choir will explore a variety of musical styles from Gregorian chant and motets to contemporary Christian music. Rehearsals are scheduled at 8pm on Thursday evenings following regular choir rehearsal. The Men?s choir will sing once a month at the 10am Mass and complement the main choir at special feasts throughout the Church year.
We invite the men of our parish to help add a new dimension to our music program here at St. Joseph.
Funeral Choir
Leads the assembly in the Mass of Christian Burial. The main role of this choir is to be present for the mourners and assist them in celebrating the life of the deceased with the singing of hymns and praying the responses during the Mass.
Members are called at least 24 hours before the Funeral and asked to come 15 minutes early. Attendance depends upon member?s availability.
No rehearsals, but members may be asked to come early to rehearse a special piece of music to enhance the liturgy.
Youth Choir
Rehearsals take place in the Church from September through May. Rehearsal times are announced in September in conjunction with the tri-parish youth activities.
Sings music of a more contemporary style.
Combines with the Sunday Choir during the special feasts of the Church year.
This choir is open to parishioners high school age and older.
Parishioners who are trained on instruments such as piano, organ, guitar, wind, brass or string instruments are encouraged to volunteer to play for the parish liturgies. Instrumentalists should have at least two years of instruction and have good reading skills. Instrumentalists may choose to play most weekends or just for special feasts like Christmas and Easter.
Coro Hispano Somos un grupo de personas de todas las edades que disfrutan cantando y siendo parte activa de la comunidad. Hemos recibido nuestros dones de Dios y queremos usarlos para darle a Él gloria y alabanza. El Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica, en la sección Canto y Música, nos dice que la música es “un tesoro de valor inestimable”, y es “parte integral de la liturgia solemne”. Con nuestras voces e instrumentos, animamos y apoyamos la participación activa de la asamblea en la celebración de la Sagrada Eucaristía, así como en otras celebraciones litúrgicas. Estamos comprometidos con este llamado de Dios, ensayando, aprendiendo nuevas canciones, orando y buscando maneras de fortalecer nuestros lazos como grupo entre nosotros y con la comunidad. Teresa 269-274-7409.
Burmese Choir
The Burmese choir sings at the Tri-Lingual Masses held for the Special Feasts Day of the Church and also for Burmese Masses, Weddings, Funerals, and sing song services at the end of each month. Normally, we rehearse on Saturday right after the rosary prayer.